
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two Weeks and My Prediction Appears to be Correct - Michael

So we have now been in Costa Rica for two weeks. Before we left, I had a prediction that I shared with a number of people -- and with my kids many times. It was that the first two weeks would be pretty good, but then the novelty would start to wear off and the difficulty and frustration of not speaking the language would make the next two months a pain.

We had a pretty significant meltdown with Dylan this morning and him not wanting to go to school. Then this evening, Julia was begging to not have to go to her last class tomorrow. There are two parts to that one, her school is from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm (none of that is extra-curricular activities) and P.E. is her last class tomorrow.

For the sake of the kids, I hope things get easier faster than I predicted, but I think we may be in for a bit of a rough time for the next little while.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Crowther children! Everyone in Utah is jealous of you!
