
Friday, September 6, 2013

Dogs, Leaves, Chickens, and Trees!!! - Dylan

This tree is one of my favorite trees to climb.

This is another one of my favorite trees to climb.

This is the inside of one of my favorite trees to climb.

This is a bird's nest inside of one my favorite trees to climb.

This is called a dog. And I know you don't see it in the United States, but still, I like it. 
It's name is Chester.

This is Chester's favorite ball. She leaves it somewhere and then I go get it and bring it back to her. 
Then she leaves it somewhere again.

This is a dog too. Its name is Bonita (That means pretty). It doesn't look like the other one, but it's still a dog.

This is our house up by my favorite trees.

This is a leaf that I really like because it looks cool and I took a picture of it and it was like, cool.

These are black chickens. They were like, black. And we like, go over, and they're like, pretty close to our house, and like, yeah.

This is another dog. It doesn't look like the other ones but it's still a dog.



  1. Thanks for educating us, Dylan! I like those trees and Bongo, too.

  2. A nice thing about the dogs, at least the ones around us, is that they aren't the mangy, diseased, roam-in-pack types that I was expecting.

  3. Loved these photos, Dylan. I'm with you Michael, I half expected them to be like the dogs I met on my mission...
