
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Merciless Girls - Caleb

Today at school I saw a crumpled up piece of paper on my desk after recess. I looked behind me and saw three girls giggling (Who also happen to be the same three girls in the picture I sent earlier on my post called school; in order from left to right it's Alison, Lauren, and Zuri). I opened up the note and it said:


Almost right after I read it the boy that sits next to me came in and read the note over my shoulder. He then said "I love you," and pointed to Lauren (none of them knew very much English). I didn't know how "stick" translated into I love you, but I didn't really care about it. My English teacher walked in and I was so happy that it was time for English. It's the only subject that I am very good at, because all of the other subjects are taught in Spanish. 

A little while later she passed me another note that said:

Lauren  Yes    No
Alison  Yes    No
Zuri  Yes   No

I didn't want to say yes, because then no one would ever give me a break about it, but if I said no, it would be really mean. So I improvised and for each girl I wrote "Yo and Nes," the red letters make up the word no and the green letters make up the word yes. At first they looked at me confused, but then, with the help of my teacher, I explained what it meant.

By this time, everyone in the class knew what was happening. After that they tried this:

ü or X
Lauren    Alison    Zuri
                                                                   p   p  p     

I didn't know what to what to do, but finally, I wrote this in each box:

I passed them another note that said:

There is no translation allowed for the answer to
this question, if you are asked to translate it, do 
not: the answer to your question may or may not 
be what you want it to be.

One of them asked the English teacher to read it, but he said that he couldn't translate it. That got them frustrated enough to not bother me for a while, but then they passed me this:

only one mark
ü or X
Lauren    Alison    Zuri
                                                                 p   p   p     

At this point I didn't really know if they were asking if I thought they were cute, or asking if I liked them, so I figured that this was good enough to give back to them:

only one mark
ü or X
Lauren    Alison    Zuri
                                                                 p   p   p     

I only did one mark

Then I wrote another note to them that said:

This can be translated: I may or may
not think that any one of you are

They had my teacher translate it. As soon as he finished, they started groaning. Then Zuri looked at me and said "¿Por Favor?" I asked my teacher to tell them that I didn't want to say yes, because then no one would ever give me a break about it, but if I said no, it would be really mean. But then at our next recess they asked me which one they thought was the cutest (my friend Tom translated it). I said that I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but they told me that they wouldn't get hurt feelings. They gave me one day to decide who was the cutest.

Now I'm at home trying to decide what to tell them. I know I won't tell them who I think is the cutest, but I can't decide what I do tell them.


  1. Ok this makes me laugh mostly just because this is such a Caleb thing to do... Hahaha love you Caleb ;)
    - Julia

  2. But you'll tell us who you think is the cutest, right?!?!?! Also, Costa Rican school sounds awesome--I can't imagine any U.S. teacher helping the students translate love notes :)

  3. Other possible solutions to your problem:

    1) Tell them no one is cuter than yourself.
    2) Tell them you only think boys are cute (could present other problems)
    3) Say you'll tell them at the end of the year and convince your parents to go home a few days early.

    Glad I can help.

  4. Caleb, you're awesome. And I think Seth has some great ideas, I'm particularly fond of #1 and #3 ;) Do let us know what happened next!
