
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Running of the Dogs - Michael

This morning I went running for the first time since we moved here.

It was hard. There is nothing level in this town. You are either going up steep hills or down them, and down steep hills isn't necessarily easy either. But the most annoying part is the dogs. Every 100 yards or so, you get some dog or small pack coming out to chase you. Some just like to bark, but others come looking to bite. I pegged one in the nose, with a rock when it got about a foot from my ankle and looked like it was getting ready to lunge.

The good thing is that these dogs are like the dogs I dealt with on my mission in Argentina: if you just bend down as though you were going to pick up a rock, they flee.

I started out hoping that if I just ignored them, they would get bored of me. It didn't quite work out that way. I was told that there is a track in town. As boring as it is to run on a track, I'm considering using it, so I don't have to deal with the annoyance of the dogs and how much it messes up my pace to deal with them.


  1. For your next run, I dare you to tie a long rope to your waist and attach a steak to the end of it. Just to see what happens.

  2. Along those lines, I wondered if it would help to take dog biscuits, but I kind of doubt it.

    Dylan and I went running this morning at 5:45, and the dogs didn't bother us. I think it was early enough that people hadn't opened their gates yet to let their dogs roam.
