
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Our Church and a Lucky "Coincidence" with the Cell Phone - Michael

Chapel/Cultural Hall at the church.
You can see the podium behind the kids to the left.
This morning we dropped the kids off at a primary activity at the church. Hannah and I were planning to then walk through town to check out the stores some more and try to get a new SIM card for my cell phone.

When we were about two buildings away from the place where we would get the SIM card, our friend, Silvia Rojas, drove by, honked and then stopped at the same building. We walked up as she was getting out of her car. She was going to pay her cell phone bill there and agreed to help us get the SIM card.

Another view of the church interior
If you are not a Costa Rican citizen or don't have a corporation, you can't get your own cell phone contract in Costa Rica. A pre-paid SIM card is generally your only option. However, that wouldn't help with one of the big reasons I want to have my cell phone: Internet access to use the phone's GPS for navigating.

Front of the church
As we discussed our options, Silvia offered to just add us to her plan, which would allow us to be on a contract with unlimited Internet. That was a great option for us. It was another one of those "coincidences" in timing to help things work out for the best.


Side of the church looking from the back to the front


  1. I love your pink church. Does no one have carpet there anywhere?

  2. I haven't seen any carpet yet--all tile or cement. - Hannah
