
Friday, September 20, 2013

Escuela - Julia

My mom keeps telling me I need to write a blog post but there really isn't a whole lot to say. Basically during school I sit there for 8 hours and doodle, make paper cranes, write down lyrics to songs I have memorized, and read books on my Kindle. Then I come home and do math and go back and forth between Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest hoping someone will post something. That's pretty much what I do every day, but there are two stories worth sharing about school, the first happened on my second day.


The first two classes were the same as always, I doodled and wrote in my notebook. In my third class, I got bored of song lyrics so I ripped out a piece of paper and started making a paper crane. When I finished I set it on my desk and went to make another one, but before I could, a girl sitting next to me picked it up and said, (it was in Spanish so I don't know exactly what she said but this is what is sounded like) "Oh it's so cute!" She then stood up in the middle if the teacher talking and held it up for the while class to see, "Look how cool this is!" Some people even stood up to get a better look at it. I just sat there, slightly amused that they were so fascinated by it. Then everyone was asking me to make them one. The rest of the day I was folding paper cranes and showing other people how to make them. 

The next story happened this morning. I went to school same as I always do and went to my first class, which I sat through being bored, then after my class, a girl in my class who speaks some English informed me that we had no more classes for the rest of the day. I was slightly annoyed because I always found out about these things at the last second, but I asked to use her phone to call my mom. I tried calling and she didn't answer  I called back two more times and she still didn't pick up the phone. I didn't know how I would get home. I walked up to the gates with my friends and when we reached the top of the hill I asked to use her phone again, and tried calling her two more times but still no answer. I had no other way to get home and the wi-fi at the school doesn't work very well, I tried emailing my dad but the wi-fi got too weak right after I finished the email so I don't know if it sent or not. I decided I would have to walk home. I knew how to get there but I still did not want to walk the whole way. So I began walking. It was really hot and I was wearing a thick shirt and long black pants, and I really had to use the bathroom. It took about 25 minutes before I finally got home, then I went to open the front door only to find that it was locked. I went around and tried the side door, but it was locked too. I knocked on the window of my dad's office but no one answered so I knew no one was home, which was odd because my dad is usually always home working. I realized I had nothing to do but wait so I sat on a chair and played a game on my iPod, but I knew the battery wouldn't last long. Luckily it was only about 10 minutes before my parents got home and I was finally able to get inside.

So those have really been the only exciting things that have happened to me since we have been here, I hope you're all having a more exciting time than I am. Ciao!


  1. You had to go pee and you were you worried about your battery dying? I'd be worried about my bladder dying. Your bladder control makes me jealous.

  2. Try playing Costa Rican cops and sounds awesome.
