
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Good Home Teacher, New Calling - Michael

Inspired Home Teacher
I've wanted to comment on the good home teacher, Wayne Richardson, we had for a week and a half (now he's my companion). He came over after church on our first Sunday here and visited with us for quite a while. He has been here for two or three years after retiring in the U.S. He speaks very little Spanish and was able to give us a lot of useful information, particularly from a U.S. perspective. 

Last Friday night Hannah was trying to decide whether to go to the farmers market on Saturday morning. We didn't have our car yet, and I'd be leaving to try to get it. That meant she would have to go to the market herself, but she wasn't sure she could tell the taxi how to get back to our house. We checked with one branch member about catching a ride, but she wasn't going.

Then on Saturday morning our home teacher, Wayne Richardson, called to see how we were doing. He asked if we needed anything. Since Hannah had met him and his wife, Marguerite, at the farmers market the week before, she asked if he was going. He said they were and agreed to give her a ride. Think what you want, but I think that was an inspired home teacher.

Church and Calling
On Sunday, we had close to 60 people at church. That was nice to see. We met a number of people we hadn't met the week before and the Chacon family invited us over to join them for family home evening sometime. There are some very nice families in the branch.

I received a calling as the first counselor in the young men's presidency, which was the exact same calling I had before coming here. I'm happy to have it, but it will be different. Instead of having ~12 boys in the Teachers quorum, we have 2 active boys in the whole young men's program and three less active boys to work with. It will be an interesting experience.

Hannah will likely get a calling next week.

The one thing that would be really nice for church is to have some music with the hymns. The branch's only piano player is on a mission right now and the keyboard they had is broken. Unfortunately the branch is out of budget money, so they can't buy a new keyboard. Otherwise, we'd have our kids play the music. That would be a great incentive for them to practice and a great contribution to make. Hopefully the branch get a new keyboard after the new year. We'll see.


  1. I love little coincidences that aren't coincidences at all :)

    How's a Costa Rican farmer's market? I think I might be jealous.

  2. Hannah will have to answer the farmer's market question. I haven't been able to go yet.

  3. I'll try to do a post about the farmer's market soon Emily :) - Hannah

  4. Any luck on a church keyboard?? I am sure a lot people around here would be happy to donate money towards one. Let me know if I can help set up anything here in Utah. Jodi M.

    1. Jodi, that is very nice of you to offer the help. Things don't look promising for the keyboard. We're planning to check in town to see if there is a store that has one and how much they run

    2. Let us know what you find out! In the mean time we can see what we can do here for money.

  5. Costco has Casio keyboards for $500! Wonder how that would work to have them ship it down there??!! Eric actually suggested we just fly down and bring one to you guys.
