
Friday, September 20, 2013

School - Caleb

I took a camera to school today, and took a bunch of pictures of things there.

Kids playing tag before school

My classroom

My desk

Dylan's classroom

My classroom from the outside

The lunchroom during lunch

I think this is the part when some kids in my class found out that I had a camera...

This is Jasón (middle), a girl in my class that I don't know the name of, 
and another random kid. The lunch ladies are in the background.

Some of my classmates at lunch

The outside lunch table

My teacher (on the left). Her name is Marisol, I think.
The students called her niña, which means girl.

My desk while sitting on my chair

Boys in my class

Girls in my class


The only sinks that I've seen in the whole school

We play a game at recess a lot of the time, it's kind of like cops and robbers, if you've ever played that, except that the cops don't just have to touch the robbers, they have to grab them and pull them to the jail, and the robbers can struggle... a lot. Also the robbers can't just escape by running out, so there has to be a lot of jail guards. The jail is kind of tucked away in a corner though, so that makes it easier for the cops. We split into girls and boys, and every once and a while the girls and boys switch from cops to robber or vica versa. I like playing it, especially because I am probably the biggest threat. I don't know how I got so good at it, but no one seems to be able to catch me.. well they didn't before. Now they have about 4 or 5 cops just trying to get me. I usually just take it as a compliment.

This is my friend Tom (left) who speaks English, pulling a girl into the jail,
with another boys help. The background is the jail, and you can see a girl
there getting ready to escape on the far left. After I took this picture,
 I barely had time to put away the camera and then I caught her and put
her back in the jail.

This girl is running after me to put me in the jail.

This is what I do when I'm bored
because I don't know what people are saying. 

This is what I do when I'm bored of doing what I do when I'm bored. 

And finally, the gate leading outside to go home at the end of the day


  1. Your school looks waaaaaaaaaaaaay cooler than any elementary school I've ever been to. OUTSIDE LUNCH TABLES!!!! And the Costa Rican version of Cops and Robbers sounds awesome.

  2. Your school actually reminds me a lot of my old school. But with more colors, more outdoor stuff, more costa rican kids, more sinks with bleach sitting underneath them, and more kids who don't speak english. Ok, it's nothing like my school either . . . emily wins.
