
Friday, September 13, 2013

Like a Deer in the Headlights - Hannah

Today the kids got ready for school, and then Caleb showed me a note from the teacher that said he didn't have school today. Sunday is Costa Rican Independence Day, so I figured it was a vacation day for that reason. I wasn't sure about Dylan though, since their schedules are always different. Every day I have to find out what time to pick them up--sometimes they get out at the same time as each other, and sometimes it's different.

So today we drove past the school to check on Dylan's schedule, and found a bunch of kids going to school. We went up to the guard to find out, and a couple teachers told us that both the boys didn't have school today. I have no idea why other kids were going to school today, including some in the boys' classes. But I just went along with it.

Julia did have school, though. But she thinks she's done at lunchtime. We're not exactly sure, but I'll pick her up at lunchtime.

I had planned on taking Jonah to school today--there was something on the school's facebook page about going on an outing today related to Independence Day. But since the boys were home today, I needed to stay here with them.

So basically, I feel a little like a deer in the headlights. I normally feel like a fairly educated person. But lately I mostly feel clueless. I also feel slightly ridiculous as I try to pantomime what information I'm trying to learn from somebody. Yesterday I was at a yard-supply-looking store, trying to pantomime that I needed a hose, and then found out afterwards that the guy I was gesturing to spoke some English. Yes, I felt a little foolish. Also, I usually feel like the last to know anything.

Monday was Children's Day--think Mother's Day/Father's Day, but for children, along with pinatas, games and food. At Jonah's class, I was supposed to bring a gift for him, but I and the other gringo Mom didn't have one. There was plenty of other fun stuff though, so I don't think Jonah realized I messed up. Also, I was supposed to send a little gift with Caleb and Dylan to exchange at school, but I mistakenly ended up sending money instead.

Jonah as a tiger for Children's Day.

Oh well. Pura Vida. It's a saying here that has many meanings, one of which is just to live the simple, good life and don't stress. So I'm learning to roll with things. And my respect for immigrants to the United States has increased a ton. To be in a situation where you don't know the language, customs or routines, makes you feel more like a fish out of water than I had originally supposed.

All that being said, it's a beautiful morning as I'm writing this on the front patio; Jonah just brought me a lovely pale purple flower; Dylan and I have been using the binoculars and Costa Rican bird book to try to identify some birds; I'm listening to high school kids singing in the distance; and I've got a pineapple-banana-lime smoothie in the fridge ready for lunch.

Pura Vida!!!


  1. Hahah! I would have LOVED to be the kid in their class to get American money instead of some lame gift! Pura Vida indeed!

  2. Well, that would have been good. But the money stayed in their backpacks for some reason, so I'm not sure what actually happened with the other kids. I hope they had extras to cover for lame parents like me. But you're right, most of the kids gifts are pretty cheaply made and have already fallen apart. - Hannah
