
Monday, September 30, 2013

Baptism Temple Trip - Michael

On Saturday, Julia and I went with the youth in the branch to the temple in San Jose to do baptisms. That was fun to do. One highlight was the warm shower with lots of water pressure.

In front of the San Jose Temple

After the temple baptisms, we went to a baptism of a young member of the branch. Our branch doesn't have a font, so it was at the branch building in Santa Ana. The building was basically a big fancy house that even had carpet in one room. That was the first time I have seen carpet since we arrived here.

I have some pictures and video, because it was an interesting building for a church and impressive to our branch members as a house.

 "Baptismal Font"

This is just a quick picture I took of ward members before joining the
picture that Brother Wayne Richardson was taking.


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