
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Waterfall Jumping in San Pablo - Michael

On Saturday, we didn't have any church activities or anything else planned, so we decided to go on a little excursion. A church member had told us about this waterfall in San Pablo, which is almost exactly 30 minutes from our house. As you are driving out of San Pablo to the old scary bridge there is a little bridge you cross. We parked there, walked about 50 meters and found this little piece of paradise.

Hannah never got more than her feet wet, because the water was colder than what we are used to here; however, it is still warmer than any mountain stream you find in Utah, even in the middle of summer.

We took some video of us jumping in the water.

We also have this video of a local guy who dropped in from higher than I would want to do. The pool wasn't much more than 12 feet deep.

We had a great time, and it made for a fun quick trip.

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