
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Our Super High Tech Water Heater - Julia

We don't have a hot water heater at our house. The only hot water comes from the shower head, so a few weeks ago my dad and I walked to town to buy some parts to get hot water to the laundry room. We got a funnel, some wire, and a plastic tube. There are two windows in our laundry room leading to both bathrooms, so what we did was this:

Using the wire, we attached the funnel up to the shower head in
our bathroom, and stuck the tube on.

We pulled the tube through the window and into the laundry room.

We tried taping the tube to a smaller plastic one
we found in the laundry room, so the tube wouldn't
 sag so much when the water went through it. It
worked well enough but still sagged a little more
than we wanted.

We then found a bigger, longer tube in the laundry
room and barely fit the green one into the white
one, which worked better because it reached
all the way into the washing machine.

So basically to get hot water in the washer, we put the funnel up on
the shower head and turn on the shower. It takes a really long time
to fill all the way up but it works.

And while I'm on the topic of our ghetto
contraptions, here is a picture of my dad
ironing his Sunday shirt with a hot pot of rice.