
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Feliz Año Nuevo! - Hannah

Happy New Year friends! I don't have too much to share about our New Year's Day. It was pretty boring, actually, and quite relaxing and pleasant.

We slept in after our night of New Year's Eve partying. The night before we stayed up until about 1:00, unheard of for me. We played games via Skype with our friends in Utah, worked on yet another puzzle, watched half of the movie To Kill a Mockingbird, and watched fireworks at midnight. The fireworks were fun, though honestly, nothing like crazy Utah fourth of July fireworks.

After we woke up late the next morning, we finished the puzzle and the movie, sat on the front porch looking for wildlife, took a walk to the mini market for a few things, had leftovers for dinner (your choice of beans and rice or Ramen noodles), and made chocolate chip cookies with our Christmas bag of chocolate chips.

I'm looking forward to a great new year!

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