
Monday, January 13, 2014

Fruit - Hannah

Costa Rica has fabulous fruit. With the change in seasons we've seen some fruits disappear and some new ones appear. For one, mango season is now here. And these mangoes are incredible! Michael made a mango smoothie yesterday after church. What a pretty color!

We learned that you can slice up unripe mangoes--green mangoes--sprinkle them with a little salt and lemon juice, and they taste great. They have the crunch of a cucumber with the subtle taste of the mango. One of the vendors at the farmer's market first introduced us to the idea.

When we see new fruits at the market, we get a few to try. Sometimes we like them, other times not as much.

I don't know what this one is called, but we decided it had hints of various flavors: blueberry, concord grapes, and whipped cream. Sweet!

We also have seen some new varieties of small pineapples. Some are the typical shape of pineapples that you'd see in the United States, just smaller, and all of them we've tasted have been incredibly sweet. The one on the right is a white pineapple--the inside is more white than yellow and it's super juicy.

Citrus fruits are also plentiful, though honestly, they're still somewhat of a mystery. They all seem to be called limons; they vary in color on the outside and the inside, and they also vary in taste. If I want a lime, I'm never quite sure what to buy. Though I find a citrus fruit that is green on the outside, it might be orange on the inside and taste like an orange, like this one. 

The oranges don't compare to my Grandpa's delicious California oranges, and the only thing I can compare the mangoes to is the peaches from our tree back home. I love, though, that you can find great fruit here all year round.

1 comment:

  1. From now on I'm just going to write 'jealous' on every single post.
