
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Garden - Hannah

I finally got my herbs planted. They've been sitting in the garden area in pots for a couple months now, and the roots have been tearing their way through the bottoms of the pots. 

Recently someone stole the basil pot, so I decided to finally get around to planting the rest. The basil wasn't looking real healthy anyway, so I hope whoever has it is at least enjoying their single caprese sandwich. 

I planted some mint, rosemary, parsley and a chaote. Michael calls the chaote, Costa Rica's zucchini--everyone has one, they produce like crazy, and everyone's trying to give them away. In a stir fry, they have a nice crunch like a water chestnut. I know people do all sorts of other things with them here as well.

Anyway, enjoy seeing the garden without weeds. Given my track record, it won't last long.

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me want good weather more than your beach posts do. I miss playing in the dirt SO much! Also, I just spent the afternoon scraping snow off my roof on a ladder with a push-broom. To make way for the heat-tape I'm trying to use to melt the foot of ice-dams all around my rain-gutters. Just thought you'd appreciate that.
