
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Our Secret Place - The Kids

There's a place that takes about 5 minutes to walk to from our house; we call it our secret place. It's a shortcut that you can take to get to the main road, but if you go off the path there's a lot of cool places to explore and stuff, and we've started going on walks there a lot. Two days ago Julia went, yesterday Julia and Dylan went, and today all of us went.

Yesterday while Julia and Dylan were there it started raining as we were about to leave. Soon after we started walking back it started pouring and we ran as fast as we could all the way home, and when we arrived at the house our legs were covered in mud and our clothes were soaking wet and we were out of breath, but it was really fun .

Today when all of us went we took a lot of pictures, and here are our favorites.

I'm on top of the world! -Julia

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! -Caleb

boom boom boom boom -Dylan

I'm flying -Dylan

HAHA look at my hands -Dylan

I'm dying -Dylan

At most I'd break a leg -Dylan

I like this picture -Jonah

And it's funny -Jonah

This is my stick, and it's a little bit pokey -Jonah


  1. That looks SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool!

  2. My favorite is, "At most I'd break a leg." That's someone who'll end up with the Nitro Circus. (If you don't know what that is, you have to see Nitro Circus 3D. It's crazy.)
