
Monday, October 14, 2013

Fish Sticks and Knitting - Caleb and Dylan

The teachers at school are about as strict as a dead sloth. They don't care about anything that happens in the classroom. Well I guess they would stop a student form murdering another student, but that's about it. According to the students, Caleb's teacher is one of the most strict teachers in the school, and she lets kids do tons of things that would get them in lots of trouble in Utah.

Here are a few examples of those things:

1. Knitting - A few days ago at school, my teacher was writing stuff on the chalk board for us to copy into our notebooks, (my main teacher hasn't done anything besides write on the chalkboard since school started.) and I looked behind me, and there was a girl sitting there knitting. She had brought a needle and some yarn and was knitting. I hardly ever see people knit by hand in Utah, but she wasn't just knitting, she was knitting at school. I think if someone did that in Utah, the teacher would probably be confused before getting angry.

2. Fish Sticks - Two days ago, my teacher was writing stuff on the chalkboard for us to copy into our notebooks, and there was boy who reached into his desk and pulled out a bag of fish sticks. He broke a piece off of the fish stick and ate it. Then he put his fish sticks back in his desk. A few minutes later he reached back into his desk and ate some more. The next day, he took out the same bag of fish sticks and ate another piece. That is really weird. The fact that he was eating fish sticks was weird enough, but the fact that he saved some for the next day is even weirder.

3. Tortillas - A few days ago at school, the girl who sits next to me was staring at the chalkboard. She kept staring at the chalkboard as she reached under her desk and pulled out a plate that had a tortilla on it. The tortilla had meat, lots of lettuce, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Yuck! She kept staring at the chalkboard while she ate it.

4. The pencil shop - Today, two girls that sit behind me were asking people for their pencils. They would take the pencils and sharpen them. Then they cut out little strips of paper with the name of the person who owned the pencil on them. I'm not sure what they used, but they used something sticky to stick the paper in a spiral around the pencil. They did it for about 3 people, including me. And all of this was done while the teacher was giving a lecture about something. (She wasn't my main teacher so she could give a lecture, and didn't only write stuff on the board.) I thought the pencils looked good, but of all the things they could have done, it seemed kind of odd that they chose that.

5. The girls - I told you earlier about all of the trouble I was having with those girls who wanted to know if I liked them. They're still asking me questions about that kind of stuff, but the first time they asked me about it, my teacher was completely fine with it. He even got involved with it by helping translate. It seems like when they ask me questions now, too, they only ask me during class, and always give me a break during recess. In Utah, recess would be the only time they would be allowed to ask those kinds of questions, but here its okay with the teachers to do it during class, and not okay with the girls to do it during recess, so they just do it during class.

6. Tests - We've already told you some of the crazy things that would get you in a lot of trouble in Utah, but during tests, it almost seems like they misbehave more. While my class is taking a test, they act like a pretty bad class in Utah that isn't taking a test. During tests, they get up and walk around, and the teacher doesn't pay attention at all, so if you wanted to cheat, it would be really easy. And a lot of  the kids have conversations with each other during tests. I usually finish in about half of the time that the other people take, because I actually concentrate on the test and not my friends.


1 comment:

  1. Give me some of your ᴛ̶ᴏ̶ᴛ̶s̶ fish sticks! - guy sitting next to Napoleaon Dynamite.
