
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Census or Health Visit? - Michael

Today two women came to our house as part of a census type of health visit. I figured it was probably legit, because Caleb brought home a note about it from school about two weeks ago. It was an interesting visit, and I'm not quite sure what the purpose was. Here's a summary of the questions they asked (in no particular order):
  1. What is your name, age, date of birth (for each member of the family)?
  2. How long have you lived here?
  3. How long do you intend to live here?
  4. What is your occupation?
  5. Do you rent or own?
  6. Have you been advised about Dengue Fever? (They said it's not a problem in our town but can be in parts of Costa Rica.)
  7. Are you pregnant? (asked to Hannah)
  8. Have you been tested recently for Syphilis? (ask to Hannah, at least I think that's what they were asking, either that or for human papilloma virus, or both?)
  9. What kind of contraception do you use?
  10. Are you on any prescriptions?
  11. Is your stove electric or gas?
  12. How many televisions do you have?
  13. How many computers do you have?
In the middle of the questions, they took our blood pressure. I think Costa Rica is good for me. Not only was my blood pressure lower than normal (110/70), but for the first time ever was lower than Hannah's (even if just barely).


  1. I'm pretty sure they were asking about cervical cancer, not syphilis, seeing as they were just asking me. Who knows, though. I was nodding my head no when I thought they were asking if I had syphilis, but I may have been nodding no to their question of whether I had been tested for cervical cancer. All I can say is they may have some messed up data from our house. - Hannah

  2. Did you answer how many TV's / Computers you had including your Utah ones? Cuz then they'd think you're just greedy.
