
Friday, October 11, 2013

Our Address - Hannah

Before we arrived here, I emailed the family we were renting from to find out the home's address. They sent an address and I thought it was normal, until Michael told me that it basically just meant 800 meters north of the supermarket. 

It turns out that all the addresses are like that--so many meters away from some main landmark. When that landmark goes out of business or happens to burn down, I'm not sure what that does to everyone's "addresses" that are connected to that landmark. 

We wanted to ship something down here to see if the address we provided would get it here. So we started small, with a violin string that I needed. After a couple weeks the string still hadn't arrived, so we went to the post office. The woman working there said it would have been sent to our home once it arrived, so Michael and I left. But then as we were walking away, a man came out and called to us with the package in hand. After explaining that they weren't sure where our house was, and discussing the address with Michael for a little bit, he was able to determine where we lived. Based on that conversation, we added to our shipping address. 

Now our address basically states the neighborhood of the city we live in, along with how many meters from the supermarket we are, along with the name of the man who developed the lots, followed by a statement that our house is at the end of the road, the third of three equal houses. Then we have the city, zip and country. 

It's quite an address. We'll see if it works for future items.


  1. It worked! The mailman rode his motorcycle down to our house with our second piece of mail :) - Hannah

  2. IS THAT THE ONE I SENT!?! No way. That's way too fast.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
