
Saturday, October 19, 2013

La Cangreja National Park - Hannah

Today we found a beautiful little paradise during our first visit to La Cangreja National Park.

The park is about an hour's drive from our house. Before we went to the park, we had some lunch at a "soda" nearby.

This kitten made friends with the kids. Caleb said, "This kitten is vibrating!"
We have utterly failed as parents--he's 11 years old and has never felt a cat purr.

We hired a guide to take us to some amazing waterfalls, and he also pointed out some of the flora and fauna along the way.

I never really felt the need for a fancy camera, but when we saw this pretty bird
we wished we could have zoomed in closer. It's called a Blue Dacnis.

This is a termite nest. It was a little bigger than a basketball.

This crab was about the size of my fist.  These crab holes were all over.
The park's name, La Cangreja, means "the crab."

A 4-inch centipede

A Chocolate Mint Poison Dart Frog. We saw a few of them, and licked them for fun.
Or maybe not. I'm not quite sure. It's all a bit of a blur...

Again, we needed a zoom lens.
But way up in this tree--the roundish ball in the center is a sloth.

We called this a baby plunger plant. I think this is where plungers are harvested :).

This fungus in the center is called a dead finger. Creepy...

This flower is a labios caliente--hot lips.

This picture is a little blurry, but you can see a hummingbird nest built
right on the bottom of the leaf. Cool.

And here are a few photos along our hike.

And finally we arrived at this gorgeous waterfall. Like the beach, the water was cool and refreshing, but not cold. We would love to go back there again.


  1. It's like you guys live inside a "National Geographic" magazine! Penny wants to hike the 'Y' in the summer and I'm pretty sure the only things we're gonna see are dried up tumbleweeds.

  2. That is beautiful! So glad you got to see a sloth and so many other interesting creepy, crawly things. Still creeped out by the centipede and the dead finger thing...
