
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Little Bananas - Michael

We all like these little bananas you can buy here. They're nice, because they don't require so much commitment. Here you tend to find bananas in one of three general sizes.
  1. Large - what we normally find in the States.
  2. Medium - 4 to 6 inches
  3. Small - 1.5 to 3 inches.
Here's Jonah holding a bunch of small bananas.


  1. I need those! Every time I buy a bunch of bananas I end up throwing half of them away because it takes us too long to eat them all. I need baby-sized ones.

  2. I love that... they don't require so much commitment :). How many times does someone in my family eat 1/2 of a banana and then ask "does anyone want this?" because they don't want to finish!?! Such a cute picture of Jonah too!
