
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Church Calling - Hannah

I never mentioned that I received a church calling a few weeks ago. I'm the second counselor in the Primary Presidency.

Since my kids are usually about half of the attending primary, a bit of my work involves trying to translate for them. Last week I had read the lessons beforehand so I knew what would be coming, but we didn't end up going because a few of the kids had colds.

During the month of November, I will be in charge of Sharing Time, which involves music as well since there is not a separate music leader. There's nothing quite like preparing to teach a lesson in a language you can't speak. Hurray for Google Translate.

Hopefully I won't mess up like I did at school today. The children in the class were learning about day and night, the sun and the moon, etc. I told the teacher I knew two songs about the sun that I could sing to the children. (They are always wanting to learn English). Well that's what I thought I was saying, but I actually said that I knew two bars (as in alcoholic beverage-serving bars) for the children. Patricia, the teacher I often work with, and I had a good laugh about that one. She's very kind and patient with me.

Anyway, primary is a great place for me. The lessons are simple and there are lots of songs involved. Also, the sister missionaries often help translate during church. Right now we have two sisters from the states, which is unusual, so one often goes with Julia to help her in Young Women's and one comes with us into primary.

I love having the missionaries be such an integral part of the branch. We see them each week at church, and often around town during the week. We offer them rides whenever we can. Once I was able to give them a ride to an elderly member's home and participate in their visit. I have a lot of respect for the dedication and spirit of the missionaries, and I'm grateful to be able to contribute my small part by sharing the gospel with the primary children..


  1. I totally miss wards with full-time missionaries. Such a different dynamic. You probably already have, but I'm sure they'd love being invited to dinner at your home.

  2. We've invited, but it hasn't worked out yet. Hopefully we can have them over soon. - Hannah

  3. That primary is so lucky to have you! I think it's great that the missionaries have been able to be so helpful... so fun that you are getting to know them during this time...
