
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fun Birthday - Jonah

This is me when I was a baby, and me in the morning on my birthday eating Fruit Loops. I am four years old now.

This is a birthday sign Caleb made. One side says Happy Birthday in Spanish, and the other side says Happy Birthday in English. I like the words.

This is a picture of us eating cake. My friend Reed came over, and his mom and dad. We had pizza for dinner.

I liked the pinata. I hit it with the broom. And we have a bird feeder.

This is a picture of me opening my presents. I got a rain car and a fire car. And I like Reed. I got Play-Doh. I made a Santa out of Play-Doh. I got sand toys. I am going to take them to the beach. 

1 comment:

  1. What a handsome boy! Happy birthday, Jonah! We love and miss you, and wish we were playing on the beach with your sand toys, too.
