
Saturday, February 1, 2014

We Love the River - Hannah

Today we visited the San Pedro river again with Liliana and Marvin, some friends from church. Liliana is the Young Women's president, and was kind enough to drive me and my parents to the airport when they were heading back home. (I have no sense of direction and Michael had to work.)

Liliana and Marvin are both good people and it was fun to spend the day with them. Their son, who is just a little older than Caleb, would have come too, but unfortunately was sick. They also have a daughter who will be going on a mission soon, and a son who will be returning soon from a mission in California.

Anyway, the river was beautiful. Since we went the first time, Dylan's been asking almost daily to go again. The river was a little lower and a little more dry as the dry season is progressing, but still great to swim and play in.

Jonah being a zombie for some reason.

Marvin peeling some sugar cane
he brought from his yard.

Liliana and I enjoying the sugar cane


  1. That looks so's still freezing here. Once again, I'm jealous.

  2. Sorry Emily :(. I wish you guys could come enjoy the warmth with us! - Hannah
