
Monday, February 10, 2014

Back to School Again - Hannah

Summer break is over, and school started today for the boys. Lucky Julia gets to start tomorrow on her birthday.

I am very hopeful and prayerful that this experience will go well for them. I hope that their increased ability to speak Spanish will make this go-around better than the first. I don't want any runaways (See Runaway Dylan). And I would love for them to have more positive interactions with their classmates, and an increased ability to communicate.

Jonah started public school as well, and he's excited to be with Caleb and Dylan. The private preschool was fun for him, and I was glad I was able to go with him then, but we decided to do public this time for a number of reasons, one of which was simply his desire to be with his brothers. He's in the "Materno" section, like a kindergarten. I'm not sure what's up with the weird long pleated uniform shirt (don't tell him I said so). What do you think, does he pass for a Costa Rican?

Jonah's teacher seems very nice, but I am concerned because Jonah speaks very little Spanish and I don't think his teacher speaks much English. We made Jonah a card today, with a picture of a toilet and the word bathroom written in Spanish, in case he forgets how to ask to go to the bathroom. I'm also giving his teacher a paper with our phone numbers and Caleb and Dylan's names and classrooms, in case Jonah has any trouble communicating.

Today was a short day for Jonah, just an hour. But each day they increase the time by a half hour to ease the kids into it. By next week he'll be going each morning from 7:00 until 10:30. It feels like a long time to be away from my baby, but it's just for a few months. I'm hopeful that he'll have fun playing with the other kids.

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