
Monday, February 3, 2014

100th Post and 100 Things - Hannah

We recently bought our return tickets back to Utah. We're scheduled to return on May 20th. So in thinking about returning home, and in honor of this being our 100th post, I thought I'd make a list of 100 things--50 things I will be happy to return to, and 50 things I will miss about Costa Rica. 

50 Things I Will Be Happy To Return To

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. My children's friends
  4. Washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher
  5. Toaster and microwave
  6. Bathtub
  7. Water pressure
  8. Hot water 
  9. Carpet
  10. Garbage disposal
  11. Our dog, Izzy (though probably not her hair)
  12. Costco
  13. Walmart (I never thought I'd say that)
  14. Sidewalks
  15. Intact roads
  16. Snack foods with taste
  17. The English language
  18. Our big screen TV
  19. Neighborhood parks
  20. Costco spinach
  21. Schools
  22. School schedules
  23. Cafe Rio
  24. Krispy Kremes
  25. Papa Murphy's
  26. Fewer bug bites
  27. Parking lots
  28. Book club
  29. Understanding Sacrament meeting
  30. Produce that doesn't spoil quickly
  31. My bed
  32. Two-lane roads
  33. Online shopping
  34. Autumn time
  35. Our piano
  36. Nearby temple
  37. Sunday dinners with family
  38. Having an address along with quick and reliable mail service
  39. Baking (not that I do it, but that I could with a more reliable oven)
  40. Not having to keep kids quiet during work hours
  41. Feeling slightly less clueless
  42. Netflix and Redbox
  43. Libraries
  44. Water and food storage
  45. Buying in bulk
  46. Bikes
  47. More evening daylight hours
  48. School that starts later than 7:00 a.m.
  49. The mountains
  50. Being home


50 Things I Will Miss About Costa Rica

  1. New friends
  2. Having Michael work from home
  3. The climate
  4. Greenery 
  5. The beach
  6. National parks
  7. Waterfalls
  8. The rivers
  9. Pineapples, mangoes, coconuts, and little bananas
  10. Trying new tropical fruits
  11. The butcher
  12. A slower pace
  13. Lots of family time
  14. Gas station attendants who pump my gas
  15. Scarlet macaws, toucans and hummingbirds
  16. Sitting in the rocking chairs on the front porch
  17. Our excursions
  18. Blogging
  19. Summer in January
  20. The rain 
  21. Grass-fed, quality beef
  22. Low utility bills
  23. Having a tan
  24. Our Sunday Oreo tradition
  25. Soft skin
  26. Being warm every day
  27. Low maintenance house
  28. Farmer's market
  29. Minimal possessions
  30. Kids playing piano at church
  31. Open air restaurants and buildings
  32. Inexpensive services like haircuts, car repairs, and house cleaning
  33. Missionaries
  34. Teaching primary
  35. Aloe drinks
  36. Greeting kisses
  37. Our ghetto car
  38. The fresh, soft water
  39. Sodas (Costa Rican diners)
  40. Volcanoes
  41. Frogs, snakes, lizards, and cool bugs
  42. My herb garden
  43. Jungle sounds of birds and insects
  44. Lots of leisurely evenings
  45. Lizano salsa (the salsa of Costa Rica)
  46. A laundry room sink
  47. Scenic drives
  48. Wearing flip-flops every day
  49. Tropical flowers
  50. The sense of adventure


  1. Great lists! It was fun to read and see maybe some things I take for granted. I can't believe you already got your tickets will be here before you know it. I just love reading about all the fun things going on with your cute family. I have loved reading this blog!!

  2. I'm sure I can help you with #34. :-) we miss you guys! -Cortney Critchfield

  3. Thanks Kristi! You're so sweet. And Ha ha Cortney! Yes, you would be the one to talk to. We miss you too :) - Hannah

  4. And I'll bet re: 34 you could even continue to practice it in spanish! I'm sure the kids won't mind :)

  5. Yes Ryan! And then the kids there could be as confused as the kids here:). Thankfully, though, my Spanish-speaking teaching partner is back after a couple months with a broken foot. Now she can communicate with the Spanish-speaking kids while I communicate with the English-speaking kids. Yeah! - Hannah
