
Friday, February 7, 2014

A Day With the Missionaries - Julia

Yesterday afternoon I was able to tag along with the missionaries for about 4 hours, just to see kind of what it's like to be a missionary. I went with them to their appointments and mostly listened but with some help I was able to say a few things too. I found that I was able to understand most of what was being said, or at least the basic idea. 

At the first house we went to we visited a 14 year old girl whose family is inactive and she is the only one who occasionally comes to church (I have never seen her at church though so it's been a while since she's come). They gave a discussion about the sacrament and I was able to share my feelings about why the sacrament is so important.

The second house was the home of an investigator (I think), and we talked about prophets and what they do, and I talked about what Jesus did and taught when he was on the earth.

At the next house we visited an active family in our branch and one of their two girls is my age and in Young Womens with me. We didn't give a lesson but we just visited with them.

Then the last place we went was the house of an investigator and we talked about baptism and the missionaries asked her if she would like to be baptized. She said she had read the Book of Mormon and believed it was true but she didn't know if she was ready to be baptized. I shared my testimony at the end and then we left.

Overall it was a really cool experience for me. I loved visiting all the people and feeling the spirit and experiencing what it was like to be a missionary. I was also able to practice my Spanish and even though both the missionaries speak English, I spoke mostly Spanish with them. And I also got some exercise walking around on the crazy hills ;) I had a really good time and I can't wait to do this again.

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