
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Last Day of School - Caleb

Today was the last day of school. It was also the first day of school, at least the first day since about 2 weeks ago. As soon as I entered the classroom, silence went extinct. There weren't any teachers there, which only added to the noise. Here are some pictures from the first 15, chaotic, noisy, terrible, boring minutes of school.

Then, this happened:

But she left, and the chaos came back... but worse.

After those 15 minutes, we went outside and the whole school created the longest Congo line ever.

A random lady came into the classroom and set a cake down, then walked out.

Then the cake became a major tourist attraction.

A game of jump rope:

Then there were 30 minutes of extremely boring (and annoying) karaoke. I didn't take any pictures because it was just a person singing, so pictures wouldn't be that interesting.

Lunch. In the second picture, I'm holding a bag of root beer. It is really common to have drinks in bags here.

After lunch, people started coming up and giving me presents. I don't know who the presents were from, but I just got some presents for some reason. This one had an apple, some grapes, and two chocolate bars. It was kind of a weird present, but it was more than I had hoped for, because I hadn't hoped for anything.

Another present:

Dylan and his teacher:


  1. Oh I remember the first time a random lady came in my classroom and dropped off a cake. You have so much to experience young Caleb.

  2. This was hilarious... what a funny, random last day of school. I am so glad Caleb documented it with photos.

  3. that was strange, a bag of root bear?
