
Monday, December 2, 2013

Confusingness - Caleb

School here is really confusing, not just because everything is Spanish, but they hardly ever tell us what's going on.

Today, Dylan and I went to school, but we got there about 15 minutes early. Because we were so early, it didn't surprise me that there was only a few other kids at the school. After a few minutes, it started getting weird. When there about ten minutes left before school started, only one more student had come, and two more teachers. But I wasn't that surprised. When there were 5 more minutes left before school started, there was still almost no one there.

When the bell rang for school to start, I was the only student in my class besides my teacher, and Dylan was the only person in his class including his teacher. He didn't have a teacher. I had seen people watch us, so I knew that they knew Dylan and I were there.

I was erasing the note that someone had written on my desk in chalk, that said, "C + L," for Caleb and Laren (yes, that is spelled right) and, "Caleb ama Laren," which means Caleb loves Laren with tons of hearts around it, when one more boy in my class walked into the room. My teacher still hadn't got up and said the morning prayer, like she usually did, so I just sat there.

After about three more minutes, Dylan and the principal's secretary walked in to my classroom. The secretary told me that there was no school until December 11th, the last day of school. She said that we needed to call my mom to ask her to come pick us up.

While Dylan and I were waiting for my mom to come, I counted about ten students in the whole school, and as far as I knew, all of the teachers except a few. Even the lunch ladies were there, to serve food to ten kids. I was so confused. I still haven't figured out what happened, and I don't think I ever will.

Julia had a confusing problem at school too, a few weeks ago.

Julia thought that school would end around the beginning of December, just like my school, but one day, she went to school and no one was there. She had to walk home because she didn't have a phone to call my mom with.

That evening, Julia texted her friend Mitsy, who speaks good English, to ask if they had school the next day. Mitsy replied saying that they didn't have any school until the next school year.

My mom and Julia went to the school the next day to figure out what was happening, and the school was completely deserted besides a few students for some reason or another. They had no idea what happened. The school year just ended all of a sudden. Today when I was coming home from school, there were a bunch of kids in their uniforms at Julia's school. There weren't as many as there were when Julia still had school, but there were still a few kids.

School is so confusing.

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