
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Beehive in the Rafters - Hannah

Last Sunday we came home from church and saw a bunch of bees swarming around. We noticed they were coming in and out of a little spot over the porch. I don't have a problem with a few bees, but this time there were a lot! 

We weren't sure who we were supposed to call for that sort of thing, so we called our landlord who called the fire department who came by the next day. Just before we took my parents to the airport, we got to see the fire department come and extract the bees. They had gloves and hats that made it seem like they had dealt with this problem before. And it was the same two men who had come earlier to take care of the giant snake. They used a soap and water solution to spray the bees, and, as you can see from the pile-o-bees, it was quite effective. 

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