
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Humidity - Hannah

I've noticed a few effects of humidity. Here are ten:
  1. Hard candy, such as candy canes, are always slightly moist and sticky when you pull them out of the wrapper. Maybe someone licked them before wrapping them up at the factory.
  2. Snack products, like cookies or crackers, are also slightly soft. Oreos, for example, are missing that good crunch.
  3. My skin feels great and I rarely use moisturizer or lotion. At home I used it every day, but here my skin doesn't get dry.
  4. My hair turns into a frizzball. I don't love that part, but at least my flat iron helps the situation. Julia uses the flat iron occasionally, but then her hair curls up again within a few hours. I think she should embrace the curl--it always looks nicer than my frizz.
  5. Day old bread seems to be softer the next day, rather than more stale.
  6. Play-doh that is left out overnight doesn't dry out. It is as soft as ever, so we put it back in the container.
  7. Markers also take much longer to dry out. If the kids would put the lids on, they'd stay great forever, but after several days they do eventually dry out. 
  8. Things that you wouldn't expect to get moldy, do, like clothespins, clothing and my Vitamin D capsules (not that I actually need those here :))
  9. Food does not last long. We used to get a week's worth of produce at a time, but it went bad too quickly, especially leafy products like lettuce and cilantro which tend to last no more than two days. Now we shop for produce more frequently. Also, we have to close up bags of  dry items like cereal and sugar or they'll get soft or clump together. 
  10. The air is different, though difficult to describe. It looks and feels different. Because humidity is basically water in the air, it's like we're swimming in the air every day.


  1. Try putting your cookies in the fridge ( or crackers). That is what my sister does who deals with humidity. Love reading your posts!

  2. Thanks Sara! We'll have to try that. - Hannah

  3. Sounds heavenly. I need some frizz in my hair and smoothness on my skin.
