
Friday, December 6, 2013

Friends - Hannah

The last few days have been great for Dylan. I've started giving the kids more structure with their home schooling, and for the most part, Dylan has been diligent. He has reading, math, and Spanish to do each morning. But in the afternoons he gets to play, and he's been running around with his friend, Jacob.

Jacob is in our branch at church. He lives with his Grandma, Eva, and his aunt Silvia. Recently Eva and her family have been building a house near ours, and so they are often in the neighborhood to help supervise. Plus Jacob's uncle lives next door, and so he is often there too. That means Jacob is around and he and Dylan get to play.

I love watching them run around together. It really doesn't require a lot of language skills to play, but I see them both making efforts to communicate and understand each other. Dylan often runs in the house to type something into google translate, and then runs back to tell Jacob something. They've played on the trampoline, pumped up an old bike, run around with Bonita the dog, played soccer, played video games, and gotten dirty.

It makes me happy to see Dylan smile :).

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