
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another New Fruit - Hannah

If you're ever in Costa Rica and see these, pick up a few.

I don't know what they're called, but to eat them you open the pod and suck the fruit off the seeds. They look a little like cotton ball-covered cockroaches, but they're actually quite sweet and fun to eat. (I'm sure I just sold you on that description, didn't I. I should totally be a food blogger.)


  1. This description made me giggle. It is probably good that there are all sorts of rules about transporting fresh produce over the border, because if you could fill all of your suitcases with fresh fruit I would totally replace your wardrobe :). I'll just have to imagine eating these and the pineapples and all of the other good things you've written about.

    1. I'd totally ditch the clothes and bring some fruit home if I could. - Hannah
