
Monday, April 7, 2014

Visiting Teaching - Hannah

Recently, a new branch president was called to preside over our little LDS branch in Puriscal. He doesn't live in Puriscal, but in San Jose about an hour away. He has been emphasizing the importance of visiting teaching and home teaching--I've seen copies of the Visiting Teaching message being distributed and have had people ask me about my assignments.

I haven't had a visiting teaching assignment since being here. Although I've been nervous about how I would communicate if I did have an assignment, it was nice to finally be able to do some visiting teaching last week. I miss the personal discussions and friendship of visiting teaching.

I didn't exactly receive a specific assignment of women to visit, but the Relief Society president asked me if I would go with her to visit a few women who live farther outside of town. Since she doesn't have a car, it's more difficult for her to make the visits. And the places we visited were definitely off the beaten track. At one point the car got stuck in a rut on the road, but I was able to get it out after several tries.

We visited three older ladies, who seemed grateful for the visits. It felt good to be able to contribute in a small way.

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