
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Return of the Rain - Hannah

We thought we had until May before the rainy season started up again, but we are already in the thick of it. It started a couple weeks ago. It hadn't rained for days, until one day it rained hard, and then again every day after. Strangely, it wasn't gradual but just switched from dry to rainy season in one day.

There are things I love about the rainy season. Already, the grass is turning from yellow to green. And I love the booming sound on the roof when the rain falls in torrents. I also like the fact that dust no longer covers the roads and our car. The rain is packing things down nicely. I'm also hopeful that we'll see some frogs again--I'm guessing they hang out elsewhere when it's dry.

However, there are also downsides. It's difficult to get the laundry to dry. There were a few days this week where the sun stayed pretty hidden, and when it did start to rain, we had to bring in the wet laundry and hang it around the house. The rain also makes for more inside afternoons, and for children who have a tendency to go stir-crazy, that can be a challenge.

All in all, though, it's nice to see the rain again.

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