
Friday, May 2, 2014

The Zoo - Julia

Last Saturday for a young men/young women activity we went to the zoo. I personally think they don't need a zoo in Costa Rica since the country is a zoo in and of itself, but whatever.

A few weeks ago when we were planning the activity we decided we were going to the zoo, a few weeks later they changed it and said we were going to a museum instead because it was cheaper, then the week before the activity they changed it again and said we were going to the zoo, and the morning of the activity they said the museum, and right before we left to go they said we were going to the zoo. So that was kind of exciting. Before we went to the zoo we went to a baptism which was really nice, and then around noon we went to the zoo.

It wasn't a very big zoo, so the leaders said just go wherever you want and meet back together at 2:30. I walked around with my friend Stephanny. She's from Canada and obviously speaks English so I hang out with her at most of the church activities. The zoo was so small that by 2:30 (so about two hours) we had seen all the animals in the entire zoo twice. There was also only one animal at the zoo that you couldn't find in the wild in Costa Rica,and that was an African Lion. The rest of the animals included lots of parrots, toucans, and macaws, some monkeys, some crocodiles, and a few other things.

Spider Monkeys

Capuchin Monkey

The Lion

Scarlet Macaw, Dylan's favorite bird.

I can't remember what this is called but it was really
weird looking.

Caleb said he saw the peacock with it's
feathers up, but I didn't.

Another kind of macaw.

I didn't mind the lack of exotic animals though and thought it was fun, plus me and Stephanny took a bunch of pictures, I think about 250 (and that's just on my iPod not counting the ones on her phone). We only took a few of the actual animals though, most of them were of each other. #selfie

Me and Stephanny

We can't take serious pictures.

At 2:30 we met back at the gates and had hamburgers for lunch and hung out for a little while. I ate with Stephanny and a girl named Noilyn and we took more selfies :).

Noilyn, me, and Stephanny

Stephanny, me, Brandon, Noilyn, Caleb, and Daniela

Picture of us taking a selfie :)

After we finished eating and taking pictures we got in the cars and drove home. Overall it was a really fun trip and I enjoyed going :).

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