
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Donations for a Missionary - Hannah

We have an opportunity to help out a missionary-to-be in our branch.

Wagner is a fairly recent convert to the church, has served diligently alongside Michael in the Young Men's Presidency, and is a very nice guy. He recently received his mission call to the South Dakota mission, and we're very excited for him.

We're especially excited because he received permission to come to Utah a week before he's to report to the Missionary Training Center in Provo. He'll be able to stay with us when he comes in August, and we get to show him some sites, practice English with him, and help get him used to American culture.

We also get to help outfit him for a mission. Wagner's family doesn't have the means to purchase what he needs, and with the branch being as small as it is, their funds are pretty limited as well. He can get better quality missionary clothing and supplies for less money in Utah than in Costa Rica, so we were hoping to go shopping with him when he comes to visit.

If there are any blog readers out there who would be able to help us fund this, we'd love any donations on his behalf. If you are able, please comment below or send us a note!

Muchas Gracias!


  1. I'm in! When will he be coming?

    1. Wonderful Walter! Probably August 12th, and he goes into the MTC August 19th. - Hannah
