
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Seminary - Julia

Since the new school year just started and I just turned 14 I've been able to start going to seminary. It's once a week on Fridays at 4:30 in the afternoon and goes for about two hours. I've only gone twice so far but I really enjoy it, we talked about Lehi's dream last week and it was a really interesting lesson. Last Monday, because of the lesson, we made a Lego representation of the dream for family home evening :).

My seminary teacher is from the states and speaks English so it's a lot easier to understand him when he speaks Spanish than to understand any native speaker, and if I don't know what something means I can just ask him. I find that I can understand the large majority of the lesson though.

My teacher and his wife and 6 kids have been traveling a lot recently, starting in Alaska, they've worked their way in their car down here and are going to Tierra del Fuego, the southern tip of Argentina. They stay a few months in different places to experience what it's like, I know they've stayed in Utah, Nicaragua, and now Costa Rica, plus some other countries in Central America. They will probably leave around the same time that we come home, so I'm glad that he can be my seminary teacher while he's here. I've learned a lot going to seminary and it's a really awesome spiritual experience, and I can't wait to take it again in 9th grade :).

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