
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Puppies - Hannah

This morning as I took the kids to school, we saw four little puppies wandering around by the side of the dirt road. There was no mother in sight and they seemed too young to be on their own. On my way home they were still there, and on my way to pick up Jonah a couple hours later they hadn't wandered far and were whining.

So Jonah and I decided to bring them some milk.

I was guessing somebody just dumped them by the side of the road, and I didn't want to leave them there, so Jonah and I decided to take them home, uncertain as to their fate. However, when we were rounding them up we couldn't find the little brown one--I'm guessing he went to sleep somewhere after having a full tummy of milk.

There are lots of dogs in Costa Rica, but from what I've heard about other Latin American countries, they tend to be much less mangy here, and there has also been a recent nationwide effort to get dogs spayed and neutered. But there are still lots of dogs roaming around, and I was worried we would have trouble finding these ones a home. Obviously, since we're leaving in May, we couldn't keep them.

We decided to take them to the pet store to see if they wanted them. Basically, they told me that if I would pay for their shots, they would take the puppies and give them away. It was $30 for the three of them, so despite Jonah's protests I got them the shots and gave them to the pet store. I hope they find good homes, though honestly, I think anywhere in Costa Rica is a great life for a dog--roaming the hills and enjoying the pleasant climate. 

I just hope this little guy is okay without his mom and siblings.

Have you seen me?


  1. I'm so glad you saved them, Jonah! Poor little brown guy though.....

  2. The missionaries came for a visit yesterday, and they said as they were walking here they saw the little brown one. They said there were a lot of people around calling to him, so I'm hoping someone saved him - Hannah
