
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why Costa Rica? - Hannah

So here it goes. I've never blogged before. But this is the year because we want to remember our year in Costa Rica!!!

What brought this on, you may wonder? Well, several years ago Michael brought up the idea to me. He thought it would be fun for our family to have an international experience. He wasn't sure what I'd think of the idea, but I was definitely on board. It was just a dream at that point--Michael's job was the major concern.

Last year Michael talked with his employer, who was awesome to work with us. Because we should have a good internet connection, and we'll be in a similar time zone as the rest of Michael's co-workers, Michael will be able to work remotely. We know we're very fortunate in that respect. After getting the go-ahead, we went full speed on our plans.

We decided to pursue our country of choice--Costa Rica. So why Costa Rica? Here are our top 10 reasons, in no particular order.

1.  Weather

This last January in Utah was single-digit temperatures for most of the month. It was SO cold. In contrast, the weather where we'll be staying is in the 70s and 80s all year round. Ahhh....

2.  Safety

Costa Rica is sometimes referred to as "The Switzerland of Latin America" for its tendency to stay out of political conflicts. We didn't want to put our family in the middle of a drug war.

3.  Education

Costa Rica is one of the more literate countries in Latin America.

4.  Healthcare

According to the World Health Organization, Costa Rica's medical care system ranks higher than the United States. Costa Rica comes in at number 36, while the United States comes in at number 37. Our pediatrician, who travels to Costa Rica frequently, has assured me that you can get just about any service in Costa Rica that you can in the United States.

5. Food and Water

Costa Rica has weekly farmers markets with mangoes, pineapples and bananas. I'm definitely bringing my Blendtec. Also, unlike many countries, the tap water is safe to drink.

6.  Environment

I've always wanted to see a rain forest. Sure, there will be bugs that come with that, but I'm excited to see monkeys, toucans, and sloths! Plus I've always loved the beach. We'll be about a half hour drive from the Pacific, and you can travel from the Pacific to the Caribbean coast in less than a day.

7.  Language

We wanted to be able to learn another language. Michael already speaks Spanish, so we won't be too out of our element. But the kids and I will do our best to learn. I have a long way to go. I can say "Hola."

8.  Poverty

After my list of benefits, this one may seem surprising. But as an underdeveloped country, Costa Rica is certainly not wealthy. I hope our family can learn several things from this. First, to be grateful for our own abundance. Second, that maybe it doesn't take lots of stuff to be happy; "Ticos" are known for being a happy people. And third, to provide service where we can.

9.  Cost of Living

We did not want to go in debt for this. We needed a place that we could afford, so Europe was out of the question.

10.  Church

We are excited to participate in our Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In Utah it is the predominant religion. In Costa Rica it is much more of a minority, and we will be in a small branch of about 50 people. I'm sure we'll have many opportunities to serve. It feels like a great opportunity to prepare our children for full-time missions.

Oh, and we leave in 10 days, but who's counting :)


  1. What?! That's amazing!! I'm so excited for you guys. You are so brave!! I can't wait to hear all about your great adventures! You will be such a blessing to the people down there. :)

  2. We will be anxious to follow your blog, and will surely miss our dear neighbors. We hope you have a wonderful adventure! Post pictures often. Love from Donna and Mike Frame

  3. Oh I am so excited and jealous :) I did a study abroad in Costa Rica my first summer in college. And I've gone back a couple times since then because I just love it there! Where will you be living? I'm excited to follow your adventures because I'm sure it will bring back some good memories for me. Pura Vida!

  4. Your #8 is great, and Em and I have talked about how important that is for our kiddos a lot.
